Urgent contact details:
Not yet 16 weeks pregnant: Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU)
Please contact your GP and ask for a referral. You will be contacted by EPU via telephone to arrange an urgent appointment. Women who attend A&E in early pregnancy may be referred to EPU.
16 weeks pregnant or later: Tambootie Maternity Assessment Unit.
If you are concerned about your pregnancy or baby's movements, have vaginal bleeding or blurred vision, or any other immediate concerns about your physical or mental health, please call 01322 428280 or 01322 428278 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Non urgent general contact details:
Community Midwives : The best way to get in contact with your community midwife is by email. Click here for the community midwives team email addresses.
Antenatal Clinic at Darent Valley Hospital: Call this number if you have a query regarding your hospital antenatal appointment. 01322 428190 Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm.
Ultrasound Scan Department: Please call directly if you wish to change your scan appointment time or date. 01322 428572 Mon to Fri, 8am to 5pm. Only this department can make changes to these dates.
The Birth Centre at Darent Valley Hospital: Call this numer if you have planned to have your baby in the Birth Centre and require labour assessment or are in established labour. 01322 428100 ext. 4925 24 hours, 7 days a week. Please be advised that there may be a delay in answering your call when our midwives are attending women in labour.