Home births are a popular choice for some of our women. They are suitable for women who have a straightforward pregnancy with no complications and are 37 weeks gestation or above. 

Many women choose this option as they can give birth in the comfort of their own home, with a dedicated midwife over seeing their care. 

Birthing in your own home allows you to set the scene and arrange your surroundings in a way that will make you most comfortable and relaxed. A significant advantage of a home birth is that you can start your recovery process in the comfort of your own home straight away. After the hard work of birth, it can make all the difference to be settled into your own bed. 

There are far lower incidences of medical intervention in home births and therefore your chances of a fully natural birth are usually higher.

The 2011 Birth Place study highlighted that for women delivering their second or subsequent babies, a planned homebirth was as safe as delivering in the hospital. For women expecting their first baby, birth at home seems to slightly increase their chance of a problem, though there overall risk is very low.

If your progress in labour is slow, or you request an epidural or there is a concern during your labour, you will be transferred to Darent Valley Hospital with your midwife in an ambulance. Just under half of all first time mothers are transferred from home to the hospital during or after labour. Only 1 in 10 women, who have given birth before, require a transfer to hospital. 

Ask your midwife if homebirth is a suitable option for you and your baby. If it is, your midwife can arrange for members of the midwifery team to help and support you when your labour begins. They will also advise you on where it would be most suitable to birth in your home and will arrange to have equipment delivered to you prior to your due date. Most importantly, your midwife will also fully explain how to contact the team when you go into labour.

DVH Homebirth Video:

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For further information on your options please read the following documents:

Information for healthy Information for healthy women having their first baby, who expect to have a straightforward pregnancy and give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy., who expect to have a straightforward pregnancy and give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.

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Information for healthy women who have had a baby before, who expect to have a straightforward pregnancy and give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.

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