Cedar Ward
Cedar ward is a 22 bedded mixed antenatal and postnatal ward made up of 4 bays containing 4 beds, one bay of 2 beds and 4 single rooms – 2 of these are en-suite.
The ward is for all antenatal admissions – both planned (i.e. for induction of labour) and unplanned (i.e. raised blood pressure in pregnancy). Some women are transferred to Cedar Ward for their postnatal care.
On Cedar Ward we work as a multidisciplinary team which includes midwives, obstetric doctors, maternity care assistants, ward clerks and student midwives.
Throughout your stay on the ward you will be allocated a named midwife at the beginning of each shift. This midwife will provide all of your care and support your birthing/postnatal preferences. We aim to provide individualised holistic care that is discussed with you and your care providers.
We have an open visiting policy for one designated partner/person on Cedar Ward. This means your partner is welcome to visit you throughout the day and night to provide. We hope this will enable you to bond as a family at the earliest opportunity. There is a recliner chair next to your bed that they can rest in.
Currently, the only permitted visitors to the ward is the one nominated support person and siblings of the expectant/new baby.
Marie Penny- Operational Lead Midwife for Cedar Ward