Dr Satisha 
Consultant Anaesthetist MBBS, DA, DNB, FCARCSI, FRCA.
I am lead clinician for Obstetric Anaesthesia.
I am a consultant anaesthetist with interest in Obstetric anaesthesia. Employed at DVH from August 2009. I completed my anaesthesia training from GSTT rotation and advanced Obstetric anaesthesia training from Kings College Hospital. I am also practitioner of Yoga, meditation and mindfulness, which are helpful and relevant in my clinical practice.
Andrew Hartopp - Consultant Anaesthetist
I am a consultant anaesthetist with specialist interests in obstetric and regional anaesthesia. I graduated from the University of Leeds in 2007, and undertook my anaesthetic training in London and the South East in 2009.
I completed a one-year obstetric anaesthesia fellowship at Guy’s and St Thomas’ fellowship prior to taking up my consultant post in 2018. I have sub-specialist interests in ultrasound assisted difficult spinal and epidural insertion, and ultrasound guided difficult venous access.
Shamim Sarfi - Consultant Anaesthetist
I qualified as a doctor from Madras Medical College, Madras India in 1997 and went on to do my post graduation in Anaesthetics from India. After having migrated to United Kingdom I underwent specialist training in anaesthesia from Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS trust and its associated hospitals. I have been a consultant anaesthetist for the last one decade and my special interest is simulation-based teaching.
Dr. Salman Ahmad - Consultant Anaesthetist
I am an anaesthetic consultant with special interest in obstetrics. I did my MBBS from Pakistan. Following that, I trained in an advanced obstetric hospital of the country.
I have always enjoyed working in maternity unit. My first consultant appointment was in 2012. Since then, I have worked in different health care systems. I was appointed as consultant in Darent Valley in 2018.
Dr Sarvesh Zope - Consultant Anaesthetist
MD, FRCA, FCAI, DESA, FHEA, PG Cert Clinical Education
I am a consultant anaesthetist with interest in Obstetric anaesthesia. I have completed my specialty advanced training in Obstetric anaesthesia at Guy's & St Thomas' hospital in London. My special interests include education, multidisciplinary training & simulation.
Dr Dawn Harpham - Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Dawn Harpham is a Consultant Anaesthetist with an interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia. She has trained at a number of departments throughout the region including Guys & St Thomas' and has a special interest in education and training.
Dr Daniel Lake - Locum Consultant Anaesthetics and Intensive Care
I am Consultant in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care, having worked at Darent Valley Hospital since 2017. I am keen to always improve the service and care we provide the patients on Labour ward and have worked on multiple projects to improving the perioperative pathway and care by digitalising the service. We aim for a more Userfriendly service where women are able to access information about anaesthetic care through their mobile device.
Dr Gregory Waight - Consultant Anaesthetist 
Dr Greg Waight is a Consultant Anaesthetist with an interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia. He underwent advanced training at Kings College Hospital and has trained at a number of departments throughout the region.
Dr Georgia Monantera - Consultant Anaesthetist
MSc, FRCA, PG Diploma POM
I completed my medical training and subsequent training in Anaesthetics, in University Hospital of Patras in Greece, a tertiary centre, which serves over 1,5 million population. I worked as a Consultant Anaesthetist in Greece for 4 years, before migrating to the UK in 2012.
I have completed 2 advanced fellowships, one in Intensive Care Unit in Kings College Hospital and the second in Anaesthesia for Bariatric Surgery in St. George’s Hospital. Since 2015, I work as a Consultant Anaesthetist in NHS. In 2020, I completed a PG Diploma in Perioperative Medicine in University College London. My areas of special interest are Perioperative Medicine, Preoperative Assessment and Obstetric Anaesthesia.
Dr Baber Zaheer - Consultant Anaesthetist 
I have been in Anaesthesia & intensive care from 2005 with my first Consultant appointment in 2011. I completed my anaesthetic training in Pakistan and Ireland. I have been working as Consultant Anaesthetist at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust from 2016. I have subspecialist interest in Obstetrics, Perioperative Medicine, and Paediatrics.
Dr Sanjay Parmar - Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Darshin Sethi - Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Dimitri Kanstantinopolos - Consultant Anaesthetist 
I am a consultant anaesthetist with interest in obstetrics and regional anaesthesia. I completed my training in anaesthesia in Greece, Evangelismos Hospital Athens and I work as an anaesthetist in United Kingdom since 2012. I am the NELA lead for Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust (National Emergency Laparotomy Audit)
Dr Eleni Syrrakou - Consultant Anaesthetist 
MBBS, European Diploma in Anaesthesia, PG Diploma in Perioperative medicine UCL
I am a Consultant Anaesthetist with interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia. I have joined DVH in 2020. I have completed my training in the biggest Trauma centre in Athens, Greece & one of the pioneer Hospitals in Regional Anaesthesia. I have completed my advanced Obstetric module in a Tertiary referral centre for high risk pregnancies.
I then worked as a Consultant with an interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia for 6 years before moving to UK in 2013. I have worked in London & Surrey Hospitals and completed an Honorary attachment in Anaesthesia for Major ENT surgery & Advanced Airway management at Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead.
I have completed a PG Diploma in Perioperative Medicine at University College Hospital.