Due to high demand and staff availability, the Reflect and Resolution Service (Maternity Debrief) will be suspended until Monday 7th October 2024.
Referrals can still be made but please be aware there will be a significant delay before an appointment can be arranged.
Occasionally, the birth experience may not be what women have hoped for and has left them feeling distressed, anxious or traumatised. These feelings and experiences can predispose postnatal depression and/or post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). The support, counselling, understanding, and explanation given to women by midwives in the postnatal period can provide benefits to their psychological wellbeing.
A Service to discuss your birth experience is available to all women to discuss past, present and future birthing events. After your meeting, should you require a further follow-up the Debriefing Team will refer you to the appropriate person.
Should you be displaying any symptoms of PTSD, the Trust has a qualified Birth Trauma Resolution Therapist available to meet with you.
For more information please read: